Business Developer - IDD
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液化空气集团早在1916年就进入中国,70年代开始向中国提供空分设备,经过多年的稳步发展,目前在中国设有近120家工厂,遍布40多个城市,拥有约5000名员工。集团在华主要经营范围包括工业及医用气体的运营,家庭健康服务,工程与制造业务,以及全球市场与技术和上海创新园从事的创新业务。公司业务已覆盖中国主要的沿海工业区域,并继续向中部、南部和西部地区拓展。 液化空气通过创造卓越绩效和履行责任追求盈利性增长和长期可持续发展,并保持在中国的行业领先地位。依托于集团的长期战略与全球资源,公司聚焦能源、环境、高科技和健康等领域,以迎接挑战并创造新的市场机遇。凭借专业团队的全力支持,公司致力于为客户提供可信赖的服务与高附加值解决方案,同时履行企业社会责任。 Air Liquide Advanced Technologies (China) Trading Co., Ltd 您将如何贡献和成长? The Business Developer will carry out the following responsibilities: Identify right prospects, distributors to work with, define customer needs and propose appropriate commercial strategy to win the projects; Follow up closely with the customer and maintain relationship with them to understand the progress on customer project; Propose adaptation of the commercial strategy depending on project progress and ensure the commercial strategy is communicated, aligned and understood by the Technical, Commercial director and other related team members Work with the ALAT, ALC and other AL entities, etc. to establish a communication path with the AL and external customers to ensure sales opportunities for product and services Collect, analyses, synthesizing information related to different segments of EL market, their drivers and actors, competition; their products and key criteria how to win projects; he/she will transfer the information to Technical manager, Commercial director and other related people if needed Work closely and ensure regular internal both side oral and written communication with pairs and management, with the ALES and other electronics network, prepare and moderate presentations to the management 您是合适的人选么? Entry level position with minimum 2 years sales experience of dealing with end users at gas industry or electronic market Experience at gas, gas analysis, electronic market, or sales experience in industrial gas industry, gas analysis, purifier industry is preferred Knowledge of some industry products in electronics or analysis/purifier field is needed (advantages / disadvantages/how to promote), as well as knowledge of sales tactics Ability to work independently with excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills Able to communicate effectively in writing, orally and with strong presentation skills Willingness to work irregular hours and travel (including international travel) for work Good English 关于液化空气集团 液化空气集团 —— 全球工业与健康领域气体、技术和服务的领导者,业务遍及78个国家/地区,员工约64,500 人,为380多万名客户与患者提供服务。氧气、氮气和氢气是生命、物质及能源不可或缺的小分子。它们象征着液化空气的科学疆域,自集团1902年成立以来,始终位于其业务的核心。 多样化造就了我们的业绩 在液化空气,我们致力于建立一个多元化和包容性的工作场所,拥抱来自全球的员工、客户、患者、社区利益相关者和文化的多样性。 我们欢迎并考虑所有合格申请人的申请,无论他们的背景如何。我们坚信,多元化的组织为人们提供了展示个人和集体才能的机会,它有助于培养我们的创新能力,通过践行我们的基本原则、为我们的成功而努力并在不断变化的世界中创造一个有吸引力的环境。 A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health. Through the passion and diversity of its people, Air Liquide leverages energy and environment transition, changes in healthcare and digitization, and delivers greater value to all its stakeholders. Join us for a stimulating experience: you’ll find a world of learning and development opportunities where inventiveness is at the heart of what we do, in an open, collaborative and respectful environment. Discover what your professional journey at Air Liquide could be here!
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