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乐成教育 Yuecheng Education

Founded by : -, 1 January 2004

Wen Zhou Shi, China
201 to 500 employees

About the Company

The purpose of YueCheng Education (YCE) is to provide a future-oriented education for the children of Chinese and expatriate families living in Beijing. Founded on a passion to challenge and empower young people to live fulfilling and productive lives, YCE opened Beijing City International School (www.bcis.cn) in 2005. With the support of the YueCheng Educational Research Institute (YERI), this innovative school has provided the bedrock for YCE to extend its not-for-profit services to a wider community. The Learning Frontier (www.learningfrontier.cn) provides specialist support for children with learning and developmental needs, and the recently opened Reading Frontier (www.readingfrontier.com) inspires in children a passion for reading for life. YCE has now begun the construction of a network of Frontier Kindergartens (http://www.yuechengkg.com) for Chinese children. The strength of YCE lies in the quality of its international and Chinese staff, and mutual support extended between the different but complementary institutions. 乐成教育旨在为在北京的中外孩子和家庭提供面向未来的教育。为了挑战并赋予年轻人力量,让他们过上充实且丰富多彩的生活, 乐成教育于2005年开办了北京乐成国际学校 (www.bcis.cn)。加上乐成教育研究院(YERI) 的支持,这所创新型学校为乐成教育打下了坚实的基础。新创设的乐学前沿项目(www.learningfrontier.cn) 为有需求的孩子和家庭提供个性化的学习指导与支持;最新开业的乐读前沿项目(www.readingfrontier.com) 激发孩子对阅读终身的爱与热情。乐成教育已经开始筹建乐成前沿幼儿园连锁(http://www.yuechengkg.com),为更多的孩子和家庭提供接受高质量、以人为本的幼儿教育的机会。 乐成教育的优势在于其高质量的中外团队,以及各下属不同机构之间的相互支持。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 乐成教育 Yuecheng Education’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
  • Industry group: -
  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address

87 Le Hu Lu, Yue Cheng Jie Dao, Yue Qing Shi, Wen Zhou Shi, Zhe Jiang Sheng, China, 325699

Source : Google maps