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Founded by : -, 1 January 1994

Fu Zhou Shi, China
2001 to 5000 employees

About 永安期货股份有限公司

永安期货股份有限公司(简称:永安期货)是国内同行中规模最大、业务范围最宽、研究实力最强的期货公司之一,现注册资本人民币8.6亿元。原名为浙江省永安期货经纪有限公司,经中国证监会、浙江工商管理局批准,2012年10月起正式改制成为股份有限公司。 永安期货拥有员工850余人,总部设在杭州,在北京、上海、广州、宁波、深圳等37个城市设有营业部。 永安期货的经营范围包括商品期货经纪、金融期货经纪、期货投资咨询、资产管理。 永安期货旗下设有全资子公司——浙江永安资本管理有限公司,主要从事仓单服务、合作套保、定价服务和基差交易等风险管理试点业务。 永安期货在港设有控股子公司——中国新永安期货有限公司,主要从事期货交易和咨询,及香港本地和香港证监会(SFC)认可的境外商品、金融期货经纪业务。 永安期货还参股设立浙江中邦实业有限公司,主要从事期货市场上市品种的现货贸易。 自成立以来,永安期货的经营规模牢固占据浙江省第一,且自2003年起,经营规模基本稳定在全国前三,是国内唯一连续十五年跻身全国十强行列的期货公司。 Yongan Futures Co., Ltd. (Yongan) is a leading Chinese investment firm, asset management firm and futures brokerage that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, and individuals. Yongan is listed on NEEQ (stock code: 833840). Founded in 1994, the firm is regulated by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). Since 1997, Yongan futures has been leading the Chinese futures market by its scale of operation. The Firm has surpassed its competitors in profits since 2008 and achieved the top rating "AA" in futures industry by CSRC since 2009. The firm keeps a consistently high performance so is the only company that firmly maintains national top 10 FCMs since 1998. The Firm is headquartered in Hangzhou and maintains offices in 40 major cities in China and major financial centers around the world, including Singapore and Hong Kong. Yongan Futures is:  General clearing member of China Financial Futures Exchange  Chief member of Shanghai Futures Exchange trading commission  Council member of Dalian Commodity Exchange  Chief member of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange strategic development  President unit of Zhejiang Futures Association  Vice-president unit of China Futures Association Contact Us Mainland China Toll Free Number: 400-700-7878 International Business Department Tel: 0086-0571-88375037 Fax: 0086-0571-88375052 Email Address: [email protected]

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 永安期货股份有限公司’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
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  • Industry: -
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Company Address

China, Fu Zhou Shi, Gu Lou Qu, CN 福建省 福州市 鼓楼区 五四路 82 82融都·国际大厦7F701~702 邮政编码: 350001

Source : Google maps