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Jing Zhou Shi, China
Less than 50 employees

About the Company

Yangtze University is a comprehensive institution of higher learning with the strong supports from both China Central Government and Hubei Provincial Government. Hubei Province gives its priority to run the institution. China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation and Hubei Provincial People’s Government also work together to develop Yangtze University.It has modernized teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, research centers, gyms and affiliated teaching hospitals. Yangtze University has 2 post-doctor stations, 15 PhD programs, 128 master’s programs and 94 undergraduate programs covering 11 disciplines including economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and art. Its National Unique Programs are Resources exploration engineering, Prospecting technology and engineering, Petroleum engineering, Agriculture, Machine design manufacturing and automation, Chemical engineering and technology. There are 16 Hubei Brand Programs with Geological resource and geological engineering, Crop science, Petroleum and natural gas engineering, Chemical engineering and technology, Mechatronic engineering, Agriculture and forestry economics and management, Physics, Computer Science and technology, Plant protection, Landscape architecture, Clinical medicine, Aquaculture science, Education and Chinese literature. The 4 disciplines of Petroleum and natural gas engineering, Geophysics, Landscape architecture, Geological resource and geological engineering rank in top 10 in China. Yangtze University has its distinctive research features in petroleum science and technology, water logging disasters and wetland agriculture, studies of Jingzhou culture and etc. Numbers of YU Total acreage: 251 hectares Total floor space: 1.23 million square meters Full-time student body: over 34,000 Faculty members: 3,128 including 2,166 full time instructors...

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 长江大学’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Energy
  • Industry group: Energy
  • Industry: Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels
  • Sub-Industry: Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
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Company Address

9532+P5F, Jing Mi Lu, Jing Zhou Qu, Jing Zhou Shi, Hu Bei Sheng, China, 434025

Source : Google maps