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墨仕 厦门)电子商务有限公司

Founded by : -, 1 January 2014

Xia Men Shi, China
51 to 200 employees

About the Company

墨仕于2014年1月在美丽的滨海城市-厦门正式成立,初创资金高达1亿元人民币,墨仕创始人均毕业于全球顶级学府Wharton(沃顿商学院),均拥有管理海外百亿市值公司运作管理经验与顶级智慧并极富创造力。公司初创期更有来自全球10强企业的技术牛人及来及国内BAT高级人才加盟,墨仕将是一支国际化、精英式、力求创新的新锐团队。 Located in the beautiful coastal city of Xiamen, the Moshi Group was founded in Jan. 2014, with angel funding of RMB 100mm. The Moshi Group team is a mix of domestic and international elites, with founders educated in Wharton, trained in international bulge bracket Investment Banking, and currently invested in corporations worth US1$bn+ of NAV, while the technical team hails from top 10 corporations, including BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent). 墨仕的目标是通过研发颠覆式社交应用产品,强化用户体验,打破传统交流方式,将网络中的虚拟互动演变成现实中的聚会活动,以便捷有趣的个性定制,聚拢熟人及朋友圈,拉近人与人之间的距离。 Our target is to develop an innovative social network app which will engender good user experience, change the traditional modes of communication, and guide the interaction in the online world into offline activities (O2O). In this way, we will be able to make activities more fun and personal, consolidate the user’s circle of friends, and bridge the gap between people.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 墨仕 厦门)电子商务有限公司’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
  • Industry group: -
  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address

Hai Xi Gong Ye She Ji Zhong Xin, 72 Xing Long Lu, 72, Hu Li Qu, Xia Men Shi, Fu Jian Sheng, China, 361006

Source : Google maps