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Founded by : -, 1 January 2005

1001 to 2000 employees

About the Company

1公司背景 乐投财富创始于2005年底,注册资本6000万,总部设在北京,是一家全国性的第三方理财机构。专注于为中国高净值人士提供私人银行财富管理服务,根据客户的需求提供一对一的顾问式理财服务,从独立、客观、专业的角度,为高净值人群提供全方位的理财配置方案。 乐投财富拥有乐投商学院、乐投梦工厂、乐投基金等多种业务模态,其中乐投商学院的宗旨是本着“在投资中学习、在学习中成长”,提供专业、系统的培训指导;乐投梦工厂是为有潜质企业提供投资融资、战略指导、海外或创业板上市的综合性平台,是企业发展壮大的摇篮。 2、产品领域 乐投财富覆盖了公募基金、私募基金、信托、券商集合理财、海外基金、TOT\FOF基金、PE\VC基金、一对多基金等理财产品,囊括了证券、外汇、黄金等投资领域。 乐投财富面向整个金融市场筛选产品,总会在合适的时机为客户筛选出专属于客户的安全性高、流动性强、收益同比高的产品,并持续管理产品存续期间的风险,实现客户的财务自由,我们提高整体解决方案。以“整体、服务、创新”为标准实现客户财富保值增值,快乐投资,维护客户终身价值。 Founded in 2006, Letou Wealth Management Co.Ltd is a leading wealth management services provider with a focus on domestic & global wealth investment and asset allocation services for high net worth individuals and enterprises in China. Letou distributes a wide range of wealth management products, including fixed income products, private equity fund products, mutual fund products, HK insurance products and overseas investment assets. Letou aim to select the best suitable financial solutions, and provide high return with reasonable risk for our clients. Letou also has a wholly owned subsidiary company which manages private equity funds, hedge funds, and other assets through Octupole Fund Management. Letou delivers certain financial solutions to clients as required through a network of 400+ financial planners across 30+ branches in China, and serves the overseas investment needs of its clients through an office owned subsidiary in Australia. Letou had served more than 5000 registered clients as of July 2015. In July, 2015 , Letou and Juding Capital agree to establish a cooperative and strategic partnership, and Letou will raise 100 million in its first round of fund by the end of this year. Base the standard of integration, service , innovation, Letou will continue to increase the value of our clients'​ wealth through their lifetime.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 乐投财富’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
  • Industry group: -
  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -

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Company Address

China, Bei Jing Shi, Chao Yang Qu, Gan Lu Yuan Zhong Jie, 雅成二里20-115 邮政编码: 100025

Source : Google maps