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201 to 500 employees

About the Company

KNX, the predecessor of which is Shanghai Runjie Management Consulting Co., Ltd. founded in 2001, established branch offices in Guangzhou, Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, etc. from 2002 and 2008. Thanks to the rapid growth, KNX is well reputed within the industry, and since 2005, it has been part of Shanghai Human Resources Association at the vice president level. In 2008, Runjie established a wholly owned subsidiary company called Shanghai KENEXA and subsequently formed a joint company with KENEXA (USA). In 2012, KENEXA USA was acquired by IBM, and RunJie acquired all shares of Shanghai KENEXA held by KENEXA USA. Shanghai KENEXA became again an independent company. Keeping the rapid growth, KNX has established a Software System R&D Center and Research Institute in 2013. The western headquarters in Chengdu opened its doors in the following year. Today, with 400 employees in 10 cities, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Nanjing, Changsha, and Foshan, Shanghai KNX services its clients nationwide. From the very beginning, Shanghai KNX provides its clients with comprehensive solutions in the selection, deployment, development, and retention of talent, covering the whole lifecycle of talent management, and therefore, being able to provide different solutions and meet different needs. 肯耐珂萨(knx)隶属于上海肯耐珂萨人才服务股份有限公司,起源于2001年成立的上海润杰企业管理咨询服务有限公司。2002年至2008年间,分别在广州、北京、苏州、深圳、成都等地设立了分公司。 高速发展的我们在行业中的地位迅速提升,于2005年开始成为上海人力资源行业协会副会长单位。 2008年润杰设立全资子公司上海肯耐珂萨,而后出让上海肯耐珂萨部分股份给美国KENEXA,并进而成立合资公司。2012年,鉴于美国KENEXA被IBM并购,润杰随即全资收购美国KENEXA在上海肯耐珂萨所有股份。至此,肯耐珂萨开始独立运营。 独立后的肯耐珂萨继续保持了高速的发展势头,在2013年分别建立了软件研发中心和研究院,并于2014年在成都设立了西区总部。同年,肯耐珂萨完成了股份制改造,于上交所正式挂牌。2015年,肯耐珂萨先后完成了A轮、B1轮融资。 目前,肯耐珂萨在中国大陆地区的员工数量超过400名,分布在上海、广州、北京、苏州、深圳、成都、南京、长沙、佛山、烟台等10个城市,业务辐射全国。 作为中国人力资源SaaS行业的领军者,也作为国内外大量优秀企业其组织与人才发展的设计者、辅导者、推进者,肯耐珂萨凝聚了超过15年的行业经验及大数据积累,将内容、技术和服务进行了完美地融合,结合人力资源SaaS的特殊性,为客户提供“人力资本云平台+专业内容与服务”的“选、用、育、留”等综合落地解决方案,确保企业的组织健康和持续绩效,实现客户的商业价值。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 肯耐珂萨’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
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  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address

China, Shang Hai Shi, 闸北区 Tian Mu Xi Lu, 433号, Heng Hui Guo Ji Da Sha 801室 邮政编码: 200071

Source : Google maps