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Icbc Leasing 工银租赁

Founded by : -, 1 January 2007

Hong Kong Central, China
201 to 500 employees

About the Company

ICBC Leasing, a state owned company, is the leading and most comprehensive leasing firm in China, providing tailor-made solutions to our global customers. Being part of the largest financial group in the world, ICBC, we are, since 2007, the leading leasing firm in China, fast becoming a global leader with a net profit increase of over 20 percent in FY 2014. Our growth is built on strong corporate values and vast resources. They are the foundations on which we run and develop our business, using world class risk/asset management systems and processes. With one of the youngest aircraft fleet, competitive maritime assets, ‘big ticket’ equipments and custom private leasing solutions, we have the full breadth of perspectives on every aspect of the leasing industry. 工银金融租赁有限公司成立于2007年11月28日,是国务院确定试点并首家获中国银监会批准开业的银行系金融租赁公司,是中国工商银行的全资子公司,注册资本110亿元人民币。 工银租赁的成立在工行迈向国际一流信用企业、打造业务多元化、经营综合化、服务专业化的中国最大银行的道路上再次写上浓墨重彩的一笔。工银租赁定位于大型、专业化的飞机、船舶和设备租赁公司,坚持“专业化、市场化、国际化”的发展战略,依托工行的品牌、客户、网络和技术优势,建立了较为完善的金融租赁产品和服务体系。公司定位为大型、专业化的飞机、船舶和设备租赁公司,秉承工行在机、船、设备租赁融资方面的专业基础和优良的企业文化,建立了完备的公司治理结构和内部管理体制。依托工行的客户、网络优势和市场美誉度,在市场营销能力、风险控制基础,人力资源水平方面,都具有领先同业的优势,具有巨大的发展潜力。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Icbc Leasing 工银租赁’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Financials
  • Industry group: Financial Services
  • Industry: Financial Services
  • Sub-Industry: Specialized Finance
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Company Address

Citibank Plaza Icbc Tower, 3號 Garden Rd, Central, Hong Kong

Source : Google maps