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Founded by : -, 1 January 2009

More than 5000 employees

About the Company

Huayu Auto is based on Component Business Unit of SAIC Group, now a Neutral, International, and Tier-0 (Modular delivery and System Deisgn) supplier for OEMs all over China, and potentially OEMs in overseas market. Huayu Auto is now mainly serving Passenger Car market, but is exploring to enter into Commercial Vehicle and after-sales market. Ticker 600741.SH. 华域汽车诚邀高潜质精英加入“International Talent Super Highway”人才发展项目,携手前行、共创未来! 项目名称:International Talent Super Highway 招聘岗位:高级项目经理、高级财务经理、高级运营经理 招募条件: 汽车工程类、财务类等相关专业本科以上学历;汽车行业5-10年生产运营、项目或财务类管理经验; 具有出色的沟通协调能力和学习能力; 具备优秀的跨领域思考能力,并拥有开放的心态; 能够使用英文作为第一工作语言; 在通过各项能力测评后,华域汽车将为您度身定制1-2年个性化的培养方案。您将获得在优秀企业轮岗以及赴海外工作实践的机会,企业高管担任个人导师,业务专家作为工作伙伴。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 华域汽车系统股份有限公司’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
  • Industry group: -
  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address

303 Guo Ding Dong Lu, 303, Yang Pu Qu, Shang Hai Shi, China, 200093

Source : Google maps