
华东建筑设计研究总院 Ecadi
Founded by : -, 1 January 1952
About 华东建筑设计研究总院 Ecadi
East China Architectural Design & Research Institute, founded on May 19th, 1952, is one of the most renowned architecture design institute in China. As the first state-owned design institute, ECADI provides complete architecture-oriented services of architecture, structure, MEP, urban planning etc. in the field of skyscraper, HOPSCA, hotel, commercial, office, traffic, exhibition, cultural, underground and urban revitalization design. Currently there are more than 1600 employees hired by ECADI, among them: 1 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 design masters of national level as well as 215 professors or senior architects/engineers. Besides, in those international competitions from urban regeneration, regional development to single building projects, ECADI can always support its clients throughout the whole process. To enhance project value not only through advanced design concept and technological methodology, but also through tailor-made design solutions by understanding each project from an overall aspect and its specific demand, is the service philosophy of ECADI.
系中国最具影响力的建筑设计机构之一,由原华东建筑设计研究院有限公司改制更名而来,是华建集团中从事高端项目的核心设计主体。自1952 年成立以来,经过60 余年的发展,华东设计总院始终屹立于行业前端,已成为中国最具国际竞争力的设计企业。在城市规划、城市综合体、超高层、办公、酒店、商业、交通枢纽、文化旅游、观演会展、轨交上盖、地下空间等众多产品领域内完成了一大批具有挑战性的重大工程实践,树立起中国自主品牌的标杆。
多年以来,华东设计总院(ECADI)始终以客户需求与目标价值为基点,从自身的核心技术优势出发,致力于实现客户利益和社会环境效益的最大化。ECADI立足上海,承担了上海一半以上的标志性建筑设计任务,是上海“四个中心”建设的骨干企业;全面布局,在全国31 个省份都有地标性设计作品, 是国家城乡建设的排头兵;走向国际,设计作品涉足世界七大洲的23 个国家和地区。完成或在建的工程设计及咨询项目数以万计, 获得各类奖项 700 余项,培养了包括院士及国家设计大师在内的许多杰出专家人才。
Industry Type
According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 华东建筑设计研究总院 Ecadi’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
- Sector: -
- Industry group: -
- Industry: -
- Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address
151 Han Kou Lu, Huang Pu Qu, Shang Hai Shi, China, 200002
Source : Google maps