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Founded by : -, 1 January 1956

Cheng Du Shi, China
2001 to 5000 employees

About 成都理工大学

Chengdu University of Technology (CDUT) is a state key university co-administered by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Provincial Government of Sichuan. The university was established in 1956 on the basis of geology-related faculties from Chongqing University, Nanjing University, Northwest University, former Beijing Institute of Geology (China University of Geosciences), former Northeast Institute of Geology (Jilin University), and former Jiaotong University. CDUT is located in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Chengdu Institute of Technology (Chengdu Institute of Geology), the predecessor of Chengdu University of Technology, was a key university under the administration of the Ministry of Land and Resources before 2000. In 2001, Chengdu Institute of Technology renamed to Chengdu University of Technology. CDUT is one of first elite Double First-Class Universities included in the Chinese state ‘Double First-Class’ Initiative. As a public research university, Chengdu University of Technology serves as an important national base for scientific research and high-level talent cultivation, housing 2 state key laboratories and more than 40 ministerial and provincial key scientific research platforms. 成都理工大学是教育部、自然资源部、四川省共建的重点大学,国家首批“双一流”高校。学校于1956年由重庆大学、南京大学、西北大学、北京地质学院(现中国地质大学)、东北地质学院(现吉林大学)、交通大学的地质相关科系合并组建而成,原名成都地质勘探学院、成都地质学院。1993年更名为成都理工学院。学校先后为地质部、地质矿产部、国土资源部直属重点高校,2000年划转为中央与地方共建。2001年更名为成都理工大学。2010年国土资源部与四川省人民政府再次签署共建成都理工大学协议。2017年成为国家首批”双一流“建设高校。2019年成为教育部与四川省共建的“双一流”高校。 成都理工大学是国家重要的高层次人才培养与科学研究基地,建有2个国家重点实验室,有自然资源部、教育部、生态环境部、应急管理部和四川省的重点科研平台40余个。成都理工大学面向世界科技前沿,围绕国家重大战略需求,勇攀科技创新高峰。学校牵头成立国际大型滑坡研究协会(iRALL)等国际学术组织,承担“深时数字地球(Deep-time Digital Earth,简称DDE)等国际大科学计划。学校先后承担国家重点研发计划、国家重大科技专项、国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家“863”计划、国家“973”计划、国家地调计划、中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目等一大批重要项目。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, 成都理工大学’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
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Company Address

China, Si Chuan Sheng, Cheng Du Shi, Cheng Hua Qu, 成华大道二段 邮政编码: 610058

Source : Google maps